Education, Training, & Conferences
“Change is the end-result of all true learning. ”
— Leo Buscaglia
The Mighty Crow team is deeply rooted in the world of academia and is equipped to provide your team the tools it needs for ongoing learning. We don’t only know how to educate, our Ph.D. level leadership has extensive personal and career experience in every field we work in. If your organization or grant-funded project involves an educational component or your organization is planning a conference, we can help with:
Need someone on-site to train your team? We’ve done a lot of that sort of thing, in many different fields, for many different types of clients with varying needs.
If your organization or program’s needs are bigger than just a training, we’ve also developed entire curricula in the past, for The Ohio State University, OhioMHAS and others.
Dr. Gretchen Clark Hammond is an experienced and compelling speaker, ready to address your organization or group on a number of topics related to the work that MIghty Crow does.
Previous topics include Core Components of Evaluation, Common Pitfalls in Grant Writing, Building Community in the Workplace, Understanding Recovery. Topics customized for your organization are possible as well.
We don’t offer CE credits ourselves (“CEUs,” in social work terms), but we can help you or your program offer them to others. The CE process requires an application to a board or other entity, and getting approval to give out CE credits tends to be difficult and admin-heavy.
However, if your project involves offering them (if you need more nurses trained in treating substance use disorders as part of a substance use disorder program grant, for instance), we can help you navigate the maze and get it done.
Does your conference, event, or program need a website (and the tricky ability to track and manage registrations) or other administrative and technical pieces? We can help you to get set beforehand in whatever ways you need.
Running a conference is a huge job involving a lot of detail-oriented, deadline-driven work. In addition to planning and getting everything done on time, you’ll also need boots on the ground at the actual event: someone to answer questions and handle on-the-spot needs or emergencies. We can provide these services as well: Your go-to team, there to keep the chaos of a conference to a minimum.
Project Examples
Who You Might Work With Education, Training and Conference Services