Who We Work With
Helping Those That Help Others
At Mighty Crow, we work with organizations to help remove the barriers that stand in the way the important work that they do. Sometimes that barrier is understanding how a complicated system works. Sometimes that barrier is having the necessary funding to get a program off the ground. And sometimes it’s just needing some additional manpower to get a project to the finish line. These barriers can pop up in organizations of all sizes - from state-wide agencies to tiny non-profits, and we’ve played problem solver for all of them. Our typical clients usually fit in one of these areas:
State-level Organizations
State-level organizations are typically involved in setting policy, disbursing funds and effecting institutional change. Mighty Crow is often tapped to contribute to projects at this level based on our subject-matter expertise, institutional knowledge and experience navigating the complex decision-making processes.
Sample Clients: OhioMHAS, OneOhio Recovery Foundation, Ohio Recovery Housing, OhioPHP
County and City Government Entities
Decisions that affect our daily lives are usually made at the local level. So when it comes to helping those that help others the most, getting involved at the local level is essential. We’re proud to have established working relationships with a number of local-government entities in the Columbus, Ohio area, as well as other local organizations across the state to help establish and optimize programs that improve lives.
Sample Clients: Franklin County Public Health, Columbus Division of Fire
Non-Profit Organizations
If you see a good things happening in the world, chances are a non-profit organization played a role in making it happen. The super-humans that make these organizations work usually do so with limited budgets, small teams and endless hours. What we like to do is help fill the gaps for these teams. We bring our years of knowledge and experience to the table so these teams, that are already stretched thin, can focus their energy on the essential front-line work that they do.
Sample Clients: Zepf Center, Portage Path
While our work usually takes the form of a traditional client-business relationship, we’re also always looking for opportunities to collaborate. We’re always excited to find organizations who share our ethos, our love for data and our desire to do good. When our paths cross with these like-minded groups, we’re eager to find ways to work together.
Sample Collaborator: JG Research